Before You Dig, Do You Know Where Your Pipes Are?

It’s not often we move into our homes and think, I wonder where my plumbing runs? Its only when we jump in the garden, go to put a fence in or build a tree house and we have unfortunately come across a water line, gas line or some drainage. If we are lucky, we don’t damage the pipework, but the problem is its still there and still in the way. Worst case scenario you end up hitting your main water line and end up with a spectacular water show and needing a plumber in a hurry.

When working in your front yard council strip, it is important to dial before you dig, not just from a plumbing perspective but because there can be other services located underground such as power lines and telecommunications. While this can be a great way to give you an idea where your pipes are located if up to date, something that is even better is to have your pipes located by a service locator.

A service locator can pinpoint where different services are. This will help you to better plan your next project, such as an extension, perhaps a pool, planning out a garden, putting in a retaining wall and general landscaping. Better to redirect plumbing, drainage, and other services before you make changes rather than completing the work, having a problem and then need to rip all your new work back up.

So if you have a property that you’re looking to make changes to and you’re located in Robina, Reedy Creek, or Varsity Lakes and you would prefer to know where your services are located before you make any additions then give us a call at AJB Plumbing we are happy to help you locate your services and prevent bigger costs later on.

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